Moving The Mower & Dresser Disassembly

Back on the farm – Day 4! We got a later start this morning because I needed to stop at my new favorite hardware store – Carlisle True Value. It’s on the way to the farm, they have a nice selection of items and you can ask the guys when you walk in where “such and such” are and they tell you the row and side to find things. No wandering around in Menards or Home Depot looking for things. Anyway, picked up a box of deck screws and a light for the cave.

Beck continued to do some mowing and I finished trimming down at the feeding floor, steel bin, corn crib and machine shed. I wanted to get the riding mower back up to the garage but when I was last down, had a flat front tire. Decided I didn’t care and just drove it up from the corn crib to the garage. Discovered it worked ok going straight, but trying to turn was ugly. Got it into the garage and I was happy. Beck and I continued screwing down old deck boards and believe we’ve fixed most of them. The test was last night when Mom walked to the garage and mentioned the boards weren’t moving quite as bad!

Installed the light in the cave. Becky decided the 60 year old beets should go back down in the cave to calm the angry spirits. She made a special place on the shelf for them and got a couple of cool pictures with the light casting shadows on the wall. See pics below!

Cousin Linda from California stopped by and we spent some time talking about the farm and memories. After lunch we went out to the chicken house and cleaned it up a bit. The next task was to grab some tools and head upstairs. There was a dresser with a mirror that had gotten wet from a leak in the roof and was pretty much ruined. The stairs in the house do a 180 degree turn so it can be challenging to get longer items up and down. I decided it would be easier to break out the reciprocating saw and take it out in pieces. My idea worked pretty well!

Did a little more visiting and then called it a day. Family reunion is tomorrow. It’s going to be a hot one…