Cave Door Paint, Mower Blowup & Rug Cleaning

It was another beautiful day on the farm for Day 3. I started off by prepping the cave door for a coat of paint. I found some white paint from last year and was able to get a first coat on. It definitely needs a second coat, but will need to wait until next time.

Next on the list was mowing the lot next to the corn crib. I mowed this lot in May and discovered the horse weeds were 3-4 feet tall. The before pictures doesn’t show how tall they actually were until I started mowing. I was able to get about half-way through the lot before the drive belt shredded on me again. My bragging about how I’d fixed the pulley yesterday was a bit premature. Just to top it off, I ended up losing the air in the front tire. Luckily I was close to the corn crib and I was able to push the mower in by the tractor.

I picked up a string trimmer and did some clean-up trimming in the orchard. We have two bluebird houses and the one in the orchard had 5 bluebird eggs in it when Beck checked on it in May. Today I watched mom & dad bluebird chase off another bird multiple times trying to get into the house. I’m guessing there are some chicks in there and certainly hope they will make it.

I checked on our new apple tree we planted in May. It’s still looking good!

I didn’t have the need to make any trips out to the burn pile this trip, but want to thank Kevin for bringing his Bobcat up and getting the pile consolidated!

I do inside work too! I was able to borrow a rug cleaner from Janice and cleaned the living room carpet. I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see how it turned out.

The last thank you goes out to Rod for coming out and helping me get the east corn crib door back on it’s track. Thanks, Rod!

I think this is a wrap for this time. It’s time to relax, recover and head back north!